The Fairlie Roll of Honour 1914-18, which hangs in the Village Hall, lists the men of the village who served in the Great War. This plaque was the starting point for the Fairlie's Men Of The Great War project, which aimed to find out the stories behind the names. With the help of a grant from the Heritage Lottery Fund, we researched the names and set up a website, had booklets printed, and we mounted an exhibition in the Village Hall in 2015, 2017 and 2018.
For more information about the Fairlie's Men Of The Great War, go to
Fairlie's Men Of The Great War Booklet
The booklet, which gives details of all 126 soldiers named on the Roll of Honour in the Village Hall, plus others with a Fairlie connection involved in WW1, is available from Fairlie Community Association. The cost is £2, and proceeds will be sent to Erskine Hospital.
Fairlie Community Association SCIO, Fairlie Village Hall, 72 Main Road, Fairlie, KA29 0AB
Phone 07958 048908 E-mail Scottish Charity No. SCO28785