The following groups/classes meet in Fairlie Village Hall – if you’re interested in attending any of them, contact the
Community Association or the representative directly for further information.
Fairlie Art Club *
Tuesdays, 7pm to 9pm. Get together to paint, swap advice and chat.
Workshops, DVD instruction and demonstration evenings
Fairlie Badminton Club *
Thursdays, 7.30pm-9pm. New members always welcome
Contact Eva McNeil (Tel 568809) for further information
Fairlie Pilates
Mondays, 9.45am to 11.15am
For more information, contact Debbie on 07889 716005
CLASP Love To Move
Wednesdays, 11am to 12 noon (from 23/10)
Free six week trial class
For information or to book, contact Nicola 01294 602711
*Groups marked with an asterisk are represented on the Management Committee.
Fairlie Community Association SCIO, Fairlie Village Hall, 72 Main Road, Fairlie, KA29 0AB
Phone 07958 048908 E-mail Scottish Charity No. SCO28785